What Greta and her fellow youth are asking is simple and straight, “If climate change happens, as predicted and now more or less certain, then what is our future?” The inheritors are asking, what are you leaving for us? What are you doing?
We must measure the health of the planet through the health and well-being of our young. We should build hope that we are working towards a new future the one Greta Thunberg and millions like her are calling us to ensure. Today, not tomorrow,
The world has seen disruption as never before in the health pandemic of COVID-19. But there is another looming catastrophe, which will make it equally difficult for us to survive on this Planet. Therefore, Greta’s clarion call and Atul Deulgaonkars’s painstaking account of this. must become our read. We must read and join the movement to rebuild our economies so that they are resilient and green.
Sunita Naraian
Director General Centre for Science & Environment & Editor-Down To Earth.
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